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Is Your Furnace Making Your Home Dusty?

Is Your Furnace Making Your Home Dusty?

Have you been sneezing more than usual lately? Or need to dust your house more than you should? Hate to break it to you, but your HVAC system might be contributing to the excessive dust in your house. Too much dust in your house isn’t only a pain to clean, but it can also affect your health and quality of life.

Luckily, there is always an effective solution to any HVAC problem contributing to excessive dust.

Factors increasing dust in your home

Several factors will affect the amount of dust in your home. Some are directly related to your HVAC system, while others are related to your home itself. Here are four factors that affect how often you dust your home.

There are possible leaks

When your system doesn’t have a proper seal, air will move in and out of the air ducts, causing dust in your home. The dusty air in places that are rarely cleaned gets sucked into the duct system and dispersed in your home.

Your HVAC unit has an insufficient filter

Using the wrong kind of filter in your HVAC system can also make your home dusty. Cheap HVAC air filters may fail to sieve out the small dust particles. Also, failure to change the air filters regularly can lead to a dusty home.

You live in an old home

The ductwork in older homes could be the cause of the excessive dust. Over time, building codes have changed, and it’s possible your ventilation doesn’t circulate air efficiently. Even worse, an older home will likely have aging paint, dry walls, and older rugs, breaking down slowly, causing dust.

Your furnace is old

A dusty home can be a warning that your furnace has reached its end of life. Older furnaces don’t have the same filtration and airflow technology level as current ones.

What’s more, if your system was installed inappropriately, you’re likely to have dust issues in your home. If that’s the case, you might want to check with the nearest high-efficiency heating and cooling technician for a furnace repair or replacement.

Dealing with dust in your home

Tired of using your vacuum cleaner every day? You don’t need it anymore. Here are a few tips to help you go dust-free in your home.

  • Get a central heating air conditioning system: Having a central A/C unit means you won’t have to open your doors and windows during warmer months. This means that dust and other particles from outside won’t enter your home.
  • Get a HEPA filter: Getting a high-efficiency particulate air filter will reduce the dust in your home, improving the indoor air quality
  • Upgrade your furnace: Getting a modern high-efficiency furnace will ensure your entire ventilation system is more effective. In turn, this will reduce the dust in your home and the build-up costs.
  • Schedule an appointment with a professional HVAC system technician: Perhaps the best thing you can do to ensure your home is dust-free is to schedule an appointment with HVAC experts. They will examine your HVAC system and find abnormalities to reduce the dust in your home.

Schedule an appointment today!

To have your HVAC system properly cleaned and inspected, you should contact a professional. Luckily, our team of experts is always ready to help make your home and HVAC system dust-free. Call today for more information!

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