Here Jamison Heating & Cooling Services shared 5 tips to get your AC ready for summer. Now, in this blog we’d like to tell you the benefits of HVAC system maintenance.
We know regular maintenance can sound like a hassle, but it’ll actually help you to prevent emergency repairs, see savings on your bills and take care of the big investment that is your HVAC unit.
We’ve listed some of the benefits of regularly maintaining your system and why it’s worth the upfront costs. Much like an apple a day keeps the doctor away, a little prevention now can help you stay cool later!
Regular maintenance helps reduce energy costs
HVAC units that have been given insufficient maintenance have to work harder to heat and cool your home and this is reflected in higher energy bills.
Regular maintenance of your HVAC unit will keep it operating efficiently for many years to come, saving you money not only on operating costs, but on repair and replacement costs as well.
Maintenance extends the lifespan of your HVAC unit
The same way a car needs routine check-ups in order to avoid hefty mechanic fees, preventive maintenance will help to extend the life of your HVAC system.
If you have recently replaced or upgraded your HVAC unit, it’s worth considering protecting your investment by giving it the attention it needs to keep it in top shape.
No matter the brand or how good your system is, time will wear it out. But ignoring possible problems or neglecting regular maintenance deteriorates your unit much sooner.
HVAC maintenance plans will help you save costly repair bills.
Maintenance improves your indoor air quality
Air quality might be easy to overlook, but it’s a fact that poor indoor air quality can be as bad as pollution outside your home. Dirty HVAC systems are unable to provide good air quality.
Exposure to poor indoor air quality can cause eye irritation, dizziness and fatigue, among other effects. Regular maintenance to clean the filters and coils of your HVAC unit should be a priority for homes with people suffering from asthma, allergies or respiratory problems.
HVAC maintenance prevents CO leaks
If your system uses natural gas for heat, safety should come first.
Many carbon monoxide leaks come from heating systems and ventilation problems.
Your HVAC service company of choice can help prevent such leaks from happening. Having periodic inspections and possible problems addressed is the best thing to do in order to keep your living area safe.
It’s a good idea to establish a relationship with a HVAC contractor via maintenance plans. That way, the professional technicians are able to become familiar with you, your system and your space, which allows them to better understand your needs.
Always be aware of your surroundings and don’t underestimate the dangers of carbon monoxide. Keep your family safe and comfortable.
Stay cool and comfortable
You deserve to feel comfortable at home. Having the peace of mind that your AC won’t need emergency repairs during the hottest days of summer or that your heater will keep you warm in the winter allows you to relax and enjoy the time with your loved ones.
Enrolling in a maintenance agreement with your preferred HVAC contractor ensures that your system will keep running properly and for a longer time, reducing costs on your utility bills as well.
At Jamison Heating & Cooling Services we have a talented team of licensed technicians who can help you make sure your HVAC system is in the best possible condition.
Call us today at (833) 472-1530 to discuss your needs and how our HVAC maintenance plans can benefit you and your family. Protect your investment and stay frosty with us!